Results for 'Evert van Vlastuin'

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  1.  34
    Oriëntatie AlS journalistieke kerntaak.Johannes Froneman & Evert van Vlastuin - 2002 - Philosophia Reformata 67 (2):97-107.
    In de oriëntatiefunctie van de journalistiek gaat het om het wegwijs maken van het publiek in een veranderende wereld. In deze oriëntatie is de bewustheid van het eigen wereldbeeld essentieel. Er wordt in het denken over de oriëntatiefunctie bewust gekozen voor een fundamentele doordenking vanuit de ethiek. Journalistiek is namelijk niet alleen een maatschappelijk, maar vooral ook een ethisch gebeuren. Daarom zijn basisgegevens als dat communicatie een scheppingsgave van God is en dat elk mens een roeping heeft, van groot belang. (...)
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    Ecumenical and Traditioned Measurement: Measuring Christian Maturation Across Distinct Traditions of Christian Spirituality.Willem van Vlastuin, Amos Yong, William Dillard, Shawn Strout, Alexis Abernethy, David C. Wang & Steven L. Porter - 2021 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 14 (2):137-161.
    The aim of this article is to explore some of the challenges of measuring Christian spiritual development across distinct traditions of Christian spirituality. This presses into questions of what might be universal and what might be particular when it comes to Christian spirituality in how it is understood and practiced. We address the feasibility of a general, ecumenical measure by hearing from representative voices of five traditions of Christian spirituality: African American spirituality, Anglican spirituality, Benedictine spirituality, Pentecostal spirituality, and Reformed (...)
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  3.  31
    Gross, Mason and McEachern Have Not Really Verified Their Theory of Role Conflict Resolution.Evert van de Vliert - 1975 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 5 (2):225-234.
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    Introduction: The Giant From Ljubljana.Evert Van Der Zweerde - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (4):251-257.
  5. Law, Life and the Images of Man. Modes of Thought in Modern Legal Theory.Frank Fleerackers, Evert van Leeuwen, Bert van Roermund & Jan M. Broekman - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (3):588-588.
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    Civil Society, Religion, and the Nation: Modernization in Intercultural Context: Russia, Japan, Turkey.Gerrit Steunebrink & Evert van der Zweerde (eds.) - 2004 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Japan, Russia, and Turkey are major examples of countries with different ethnic, religious, and cultural background that embarked on the path of modernization without having been colonized by a Western country. In all three cases, national consciousness has played a significant role in this context. The project of Modernity is obviously of European origin, but is it essentially European? Does modernization imply loss of a country’s cultural or national identity? If so, what is the “fate” of the modernization process in (...)
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  7.  47
    Advancing the Debate about Heidegger’s Phenomenology of Death as a Possibility.Eric J. Ettema, Louise D. Derksen & Evert van Leeuwen - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (7):445-458.
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    Climato-economic habitats support patterns of human needs, stresses, and freedoms.Evert Van de Vliert - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):465-480.
    This paper examines why fundamental freedoms are so unevenly distributed across the earth. Climato-economic theorizing proposes that humans adapt needs, stresses, and choices of goals, means, and outcomes to the livability of their habitat. The evolutionary process at work is one of collectively meeting climatic demands of cold winters or hot summers by using monetary resources. Freedom is expected to be lowest in poor populations threatened by demanding thermal climates, intermediate in populations comforted by undemanding temperate climates irrespective of income (...)
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  9.  26
    Emotion and the construal of social situations: Inferences of cooperation versus competition from expressions of anger, happiness, and disappointment.Evert A. Van Doorn, Marc W. Heerdink & Gerben A. Van Kleef - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (3):442-461.
    The notion that emotional expressions regulate social life by providing information is gaining popularity. Prior research on the effects of emotional expressions on observers’ inferential processes has focused mostly on inferences regarding the personality traits of the expresser, such as dominance and affiliation. We extend this line of research by exploring the possibility that emotional expressions shape observers’ construal of social situations. Across three vignette studies, an interaction partner's expressions of anger, compared to expressions of happiness or disappointment, led observers (...)
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  10.  35
    Deriving meaning from others’ emotions: attribution, appraisal, and the use of emotions as social information.Evert A. van Doorn, Gerben A. van Kleef & Joop van der Pligt - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:145633.
    Emotional expressions constitute a rich source of information. Integrating theorizing on attribution, appraisal processes, and the use of emotions as social information, we examined how emotional expressions influence attributions of agency and responsibility under conditions of ambiguity. Three vignette studies involving different scenarios indicate that participants used information about others’ emotional expressions to make sense of ambiguous social situations. Expressions of regret fueled inferences that the expresser was responsible for an adverse situation, whereas expressions of anger fueled inferences that someone (...)
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  11.  47
    Climato-economic livability predicts societal collectivism and political autocracy better than parasitic stress does.Evert Van de Vliert & Tom Postmes - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (2):94-95.
    A 121-nation study of societal collectivism and a 174-nation study of political autocracy show that parasitic stress does not account for any variation in these components of culture once the interactive impacts of climatic demands and income resources have been accounted for. Climato-economic livability is a viable rival explanation for the reported effects of parasitic stress on culture.
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  12.  60
    White, gray, and black domains of cultural adaptations to climato-economic conditions.Evert Van de Vliert - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):503-521.
    Forty-nine commentators have reviewed the theory that needs-based stresses and freedoms are shaped differently in threatening, comforting, and challenging climato-economic habitats. Their commentaries cover the white domain, where the theory does apply (e.g., happiness, collectivism, and democracy), the gray domain, where it may or may not apply (e.g., personality traits and creativity), and the black domain, where it does not apply (e.g., human intelligence and gendered culture). This response article provides clarifications, recommendations, and expectations.
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  13.  52
    Philosophy of medical practice: A discursive approach.Evert Van Leeuwen & Gerrit K. Kimsma - 1997 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 18 (1-2):99-112.
    In spite of the seminal work A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice, the debate on the task and goals of philosophy of medicine still continues. From an European perspective it is argued that the main topics dealt with by Pellegrino and Thomasma are still particularly relevant to medical practice as a healing practice, while expressing the need for a philosophy of medicine. Medical practice is a discursive practice which is highly influenced by other discursive practices like science, law and economics. (...)
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  14.  15
    Soviet Theory of the History of Philosophy as Capstone of Soviet Philosophical Culture.Evert van der Zweerde - 2018 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 73 (2):357-371.
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    Hell on earth? Equatorial peaks of heat, poverty, and aggression.Evert Van de Vliert & Serge Daan - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  16.  48
    The Place of Russian Philosophy in World Philosophical History -- A Perspective.Evert van der Zweerde - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (2-3):170-186.
    This paper sketches the ambitious outlines of an assessment of the place of Russian philosophy in philosophical history ‘at large’, i.e. on a global and world-historical scale. At the same time, it indicates, rather modestly, a number of elements and aspects of such a project. A retrospective reflection and reconstruction is not only a recurrent phenomenon in philosophical culture (which, the author assumes, has become global), it also is, by virtue of its being a philosophical reflection, one among many possible (...)
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  17.  26
    Research on Controlled Drug Use: A Paradigm for Public Health Research in Sustainable Health.Evert van Leeuwen - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (4):50-52.
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  18.  16
    Method, Discourse, and the Act of Knowing.Evert van Leeuwen - 1993 - In Stephen Voss, Essays on the philosophy and science of René Descartes. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The chapter presents a study of one of Descartes' most important works: the Discourse on Method. In many respects, the Discourse contains the outline of modern philosophy. Philosophically speaking, the Discourse even appears to determine the position of modern philosophy with respect to science. Discourse seeks to persuade people in possession of the natural light of reason of the following: there can be a science that is true and certain; this science must be acquired by using a heuristic method which (...)
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  19.  44
    La place de la philosophie russe dans l'histoire philosophique mondiale.Evert Van Der Zweerde - 2009 - Diogène 3 (3):115-137.
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  20. The Normalization of the History of Philosophy in Post-Soviet Russian Philosophical Culture.Evert van der Zweerde - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 12:95-104.
    The notion of ‘philosophical culture’ can be defined as the totality of conditions of philosophical thought and theory. Among these conditions is an awareness of the historical background of the philosophical culture in question. This awareness, which plays an important cognitive and normative role, often takes the form of a relatively independent discipline: history of philosophy. Over the last decade, Russian historians of philosophy have been attempting to make the repressed past accessible to contemporary philosophy, often modifying their earlier, Soviet (...)
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  21.  17
    Filosofie in de eerste persoon enkelvoud? Ik dacht het niet!Evert van der Zweerde - 2023 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115 (3):276-280.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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  22.  16
    Vladimir Solov'ëv: reconciler and polemicist ; selected papers of the International Vladimir Solov'ëv Conference held at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, in September 1998.William Peter van den Bercken, Manon de Courten, W. Van den Bercken & Evert van der Zweerde (eds.) - 2000 - Sterling, Va.: Peeters.
    Vladimir Solov'ev (1853-1900- is regarded as the most original and systematic of the Russian philosophers in the 19th century. He has once again become the subject of international scholarly attention both in Slavic countries and the West. This volume contains selected papers presented at the international conference on Vladimir Solov'ev held at Nijmegen University, the Netherlands, in September 1998. The scope of this conference was wide-ranging, dealing with theological, metaphysical, philosophical and historical themes. Though Solov'ev's broad intellectual activity defies any (...)
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  23.  61
    Friendship and the Political.Evert Van Der Zweerde - 2007 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10 (2):147-165.
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  24.  9
    Beyond the divide. Introducing the work of Aleksandr L’vovich Dobrokhotov.Evert van der Zweerde - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (1):119-123.
  25.  36
    Die Rolle der Philosophiegeschichte im «Neuen philosophischen Denken» in der UdSSR.Evert van der Zweerde - 1990 - Studies in Soviet Thought 40 (1-3):55-72.
  26.  35
    Editorial.Evert Van Leeuwen & Gerrit Kimsma - 1996 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 17 (2):423-423.
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    Introduction.Evert van der Zweerde - 2006 - Studies in East European Thought 58 (4):239-241.
  28.  62
    Introduction: Surveying solov'ëviana.Evert van der Zweerde - 2003 - Studies in East European Thought 55 (2):93-96.
  29.  11
    Justice in International Economic Relations with Less Developed Countries.Evert Van Der Heide - 1984 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 1 (2):2-8.
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    Jeff Love: the black circle: a life of Alexandre Kojève: Columbia University Press, New York, 2018, 360 pp, Hardcover, ISBN: 978-0-231-18656-8, $36.53/€42,99; kindle, ISBN: 0231186568, $24.93/€30,99.Evert van der Zweerde - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (1):97-100.
  31.  44
    James P. Scanlan, dostoevsky the thinker.Evert van der Zweerde - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (1):76-79.
  32.  3
    Method, Discourse, and the Act of Knowing.Evert van Leeuwen - 1993 - In [no title]. pp. 224-241.
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    Parliamentarism and democratic theory: Historical and contemporary perspectives.Evert van der Zweerde - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (1):172-175.
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    Public policy and ending lives.Evert van Leeuwen & Gerrit Kimsma - 2007 - In Rosamond Rhodes, Leslie P. Francis & Anita Silvers, The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 220–237.
    The prelims comprise: Death and Democracy Political Philosophy and Choosing Death Historical Roots Brain Death Abortion and Decisions for Neonates and Other Children Letting Die and Terminal Sedation Euthanasia and Physician‐Assisted Suicide Conclusion Notes.
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    Russian political philosophy: anarchy, authority, autocracy.Evert van der Zweerde - 2022 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Opens a window on the ways in which Russian thinkers have historically considered the political.
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    Vladimir solovjov — een levend denkwerk.Evert van der Zweerde - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (4):715-735.
    The Russian philosopher, poet and religious thinker Vladimir S. Solovyov is widely regarded as the most important Russian philosopher ever. The objective of this study is to investigate why this title might be justified. In doing so, it offers a general introduction to the life, thought, and works of Solovyov, with a clear accent onhis philosophical texts, and attempts to assess his status as a philosopher in the history of philosophy. As is shown, he developed a system of 'integral knowledge' (...)
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  37. Vzgli︠a︡d so storony na istorii︠u︡ russkoĭ i sovetskoĭ filosofii.Evert van der Zweerde - 2017 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  38. Who is ‘we’?Evert van der Zweerde - 2012 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 41 (3):242-251.
    Who is ‘we’? Which human material forms the real basis of a democratic polity, i.e. of the preconditions of a ‘we’ that inhabits a ‘world’? How is a political ‘we’ related to the ‘we’ that is created by systemic processes of subjectivization? These questions presents themselves with new relevance in a ‘globalized’ world, in which democratic spurts and waves spread from other parts of the world to the West, and in which the liberal-democratic rule of law state appears to be (...)
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  39.  74
    Philosophy in the Act: The Socio-Political Relevance of Mamardašvili’s Philosophizing. [REVIEW]Evert van der Zweerde - 2006 - Studies in East European Thought 58 (3):179-203.
    Although topics in social and political philosophy might not be the first to associate with Mamardašvili, it is argued in this paper that key concepts in his thought, viz. the concepts of form, thought, and culture come together, in the 1980s in particular, in a notion of civil society that goes deeper than that of many of his contemporaries. The relevance of his philosophy at this point is intensified by the specific nature of Soviet philosophical culture, but, it is argued, (...)
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  40.  53
    Book reviews : Erik Van Ree, the political thought of Joseph stalin: A study in twentieth-century revolutionary patriotism, Routledge curzon, london/new York, 2002, 366 pp. £65.00 / $114.95. [REVIEW]Evert Van Der Zweerde - 2005 - Studies in East European Thought 57 (2):212-216.
  41.  76
    Soviet Philosophy Revisited: Why Joseph Bocheński Was Right while Being Wrong.Evert van der Zweerde - 2003 - Studies in East European Thought 55 (4):315 - 342.
    Josef Bocheński, pioneer of the discipline of philosophical sovietology and one of the first to criticize Eurocentric attitudes, emphasized the central role of logic and sound argument in academic philosophy. This helped him to demonstrate both the general flaws of and the differences in quality within Soviet philosophy. His endeavors and results are indispensable for the yet-to-be-written history of Soviet philosophy. By the same token, it made him less perceptive of the central political, not just philosophical, role of the partijnost'-principle. (...)
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  42. Reflective Equilibrium and Empirical Data: Third Person Moral Experiences in Empirical Medical Ethics.Martine de Vries & Evert van Leeuwen - 2009 - Bioethics 24 (9):490-498.
    ABSTRACT In ethics, the use of empirical data has become more and more popular, leading to a distinct form of applied ethics, namely empirical ethics. This ‘empirical turn’ is especially visible in bioethics. There are various ways of combining empirical research and ethical reflection. In this paper we discuss the use of empirical data in a special form of Reflective Equilibrium (RE), namely the Network Model with Third Person Moral Experiences. In this model, the empirical data consist of the moral (...)
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  43.  78
    Decision making on organ donation: the dilemmas of relatives of potential brain dead donors.Jack de Groot, Maria van Hoek, Cornelia Hoedemaekers, Andries Hoitsma, Wim Smeets, Myrra Vernooij-Dassen & Evert van Leeuwen - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundThis article is part of a study to gain insight into the decision-making process by looking at the views of the relatives of potential brain dead donors. Alongside a literature review, focus interviews were held with healthcare professionals about their role in the request and decision-making process when post-mortal donation is at stake. This article describes the perspectives of the relatives.MethodsA content-analysis of 22 semi-structured in-depth interviews with relatives involved in an organ donation decision.ResultsThree themes were identified: ‘conditions’, ‘ethical considerations’ (...)
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  44.  39
    Assumptions and moral understanding of the wish to hasten death: a philosophical review of qualitative studies.Andrea Rodríguez-Prat & Evert van Leeuwen - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (1):63-75.
    It is not uncommon for patients with advanced disease to express a wish to hasten death. Qualitative studies of the WTHD have found that such a wish may have different meanings, none of which can be understood outside of the patient’s personal and sociocultural background, or which necessarily imply taking concrete steps to ending one’s life. The starting point for the present study was a previous systematic review of qualitative studies of the WTHD in advanced patients. Here we analyse in (...)
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  45.  79
    The role of family in euthanasia decision making.Geritt K. Kimsma & Evert van Leeuwen - 2007 - HEC Forum 19 (4):365-373.
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  46.  34
    Request for organ donation without donor registration: a qualitative study of the perspectives of bereaved relatives.Jack de Groot, Maria van Hoek, Cornelia Hoedemaekers, Andries Hoitsma, Hans Schilderman, Wim Smeets, Myrra Vernooij-Dassen & Evert van Leeuwen - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1.
    In the Netherlands, consent from relatives is obligatory for post mortal donation. This study explored the perspectives of relatives regarding the request for consent for donation in cases without donor registration. A content analysis of narratives of 24 bereaved relatives of unregistered, eligible, brain-dead donors was performed. Relatives of unregistered, brain-dead patients usually refuse consent for donation, even if they harbour pro-donation attitudes themselves, or knew that the deceased favoured organ donation. Half of those who refused consent for donation mentioned (...)
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  47. Civil society and ideology: A matter of freedom. [REVIEW]Evert Van der Zweerde - 1996 - Studies in East European Thought 48 (2-4):171-205.
  48.  10
    Review of: Jeremy Pilch, ‘Breathing the Spirit With Both Lungs’: Deification in the Work of Vladimir Solov’ev, Eastern Christian Studies 25, Leuven, Paris & Bristol, Peeters, 2018, 249 pages, ISBN 978-90-429-3425-2 (paperback), €88.25. [REVIEW]Evert van der Zweerde - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (2):341-345.
  49. Transmural palliative care by means of teleconsultation: a window of opportunities and new restrictions. [REVIEW]Jelle van Gurp, Martine van Selm, Evert van Leeuwen & Jeroen Hasselaar - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):12-.
    Background: Audio-visual teleconsultation is expected to help home-based palliative patients, hospital-based palliative care professionals, and family physicians to jointly design better, pro-active care. Consensual knowledge of the possibilities and limitations of teleconsultation in transmural palliative care is, however, largely lacking.This paper aims at describing elements of both the physical workplace and the cultural-social context of the palliative care practice, which are imperative for the use of teleconsultation technologies. Methods: A semi-structured expert meeting and qualitative, open interviews were deployed to explore (...)
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    Book Reviews: The Ethic of Democratic Capitalism: A Moral Reassessment. [REVIEW]Evert Van Der Heide - 1986 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 3 (4):32-33.
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